Who are members now?
Members represent a cross-section of the business and individual community, from Otter Tail Power to Lake Region Healthcare to Quality Toyota, and dedicated individuals.
How can I join?
Annual dues are $25 for individuals, $50 for businesses, and $250 for sustainers. Dues are waived for nonprofits. Anyone with an interest in the FF riverfront is welcome. Join online or email netia@ffriver.org.
Is the city government involved?
We have been actively working, from the start, as an unofficial partner to the City of Fergus Falls. We believe our independent status puts us in a unique position to support and have input into the city’s efforts in downtown and riverfront planning and development.
What has been accomplished so far?
We raised funds for the city to lobby (and get) a grant from the state legislature We have planned and prioritized a vision for the downtown riverfront.
How are we different from other organizations?
We are about vision, planning and development, with an emphasis on doing, and a clear focus on the downtown riverfront. Other organizations have a broader focus.
What do I get if I join?
Your membership sends a message that Fergus Falls area citizens support and value downtown and riverfront development, and believe it is an urgent priority. Your membership dues help us develop and spread that message. Upon completion of the city’s current planning process, we want to be positioned to be sure the plan results in action, and with your support we are committed to doing whatever is necessary to make sure actions and results follow.
We keep in touch with our members through postings on our website. Members are welcome to attend our board meetings if they wish.
With your initial membership, you will receive a small thank-you gift to show our appreciation for your decision to join. Membership is for the year ending each Dec. 31, and if you join after October 1, you will receive the balance of the current year plus the entire following year of membership at no extra cost.